SnewDraws - Time Lapses

Note: The videos have audio, i'm sorry if it's too loud!

09/05/2024 Powermad Commission

Painting of my D&D character, Perla

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09/05/2024 Powermad Commission

A commission for Power_Mad, he asked me to design a monk and wizard outfit for him and his boyfriend :)

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15/12/2023 Tuna - Pet Portrait

Portrait of my cat, Tuna. I wanted to test some new techniques and try a more realistic, yet stylized result.

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11/12/2023 Cynder

This is a remake of a piece from 28/01/2022. I have been taking visual development classes from Samuel Smith and I learnt an immense amount about colour just within 1 lesson! I was never quite happy with the colours or feeling of the original drawing, but with this newfound knowledge I decided to give it a go. I'm quite happy with the result and it didn't take me nearly as long to finish this piece. I stuck with 1 layer (95% of the time >_>) and it allowed me not to overcomplicate the process. I have been practicing traditional gouache painting too and it lends well to making my digital paintings look more textile. I understand the techniques of painting much more! Please note the timelapse is slightly incomplete, I added more shape to her shoulder and flipped the image.

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17/10/2023 Sootball

Sootball, the character in the image, has been my D&D character for multiple years now. It's interesting how much an attachment can be formed to player characters in TTRPGs, at least for me. When I roleplay in TTRPGs, I try to capture a multidimensional character with unique perspectives and motives. This can involve a lot of pondering of how a character would behave, thus causing these characters to form their own space within our minds, with their own interconnections, like they become an extension of yourself. At times, you can even learn a lot about yourself by reflecting the actions of your RP character , and how they would differ from your own, within unique circumstances that you'd otherwise never be in. Anyways, here is a drawing of Sootball sitting in a tree. :)

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05/08/2023 Mouse Snew

Around this time I was accepted into the Spyro Anniversary zine. I thought, shit, I don't really know how to draw backgrounds... I've winged it once or twice before, but I certainly need more practice. I was playing Pikmin 4 at the time as well, so I was inspired by tiny scenery. I have often been described as a mouse due to how quietly I move, and I have been meaning to draw a mousesona, so I combined all these things into one digital painting. You can see in the timelapse that I almost complete the drawing of Mouse Snew, but I decided to redraw it entirely. I thought the drawing was cute, but I didn't spend any time exploring the design before painting this drawing and while I was working on it I had new ideas I wanted to incorporate, I also didn't like how simple she looked. Like my previous timelapse, I didn't refine the sketch enough either so rendering the arm placement was a difficult task. Often the case with painting, if you find yourself tweaking the same minor detail, it's usually better to just to re-do it. Overall, this was a fun practice and Mouse Snew is my friend now. :)

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05/06/2023 Snew Wearing Glasses

Snew wearing glasses

When I made this painting, I had been doing a lot of coloured sketches rather than paintings. I wanted to paint something comfortable and easy, so I decided to paint this little portrait of my fursona Snew. I wear red glasses IRL and this is one of the first pieces where I began incorporating her glasses into her design. In the timelapse you can see I was impatient and wanted to get started painting right away, so I didn't refine the sketch. This mistake bit me in the ass as it took me double the amount of time fixing and adjusting the painting to fit my vision, but I'm happy with the end result.

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