

  • Appearance/Reference
  • Biography
  • Relationships
  • Trivia
  • History
  • Gallery
  • Notes/Credit

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    Design Notes
  • snew is 155cm / 5'2" tall!
  • she is a traditional/apple-headed siamese cat, so her face and limbs are slightly darker :3 feel free to experiment with how dark you want the make her markings!
  • you can also draw her with yellow sclera (like her VRchat model)
  • in general, her design is pretty flexible, if you choose to draw her i love to see experimentation

  • Clothing
  • you are more than welcome to draw her in her default dress (from reference), clothes from her Pinterest Board, or anything that you think would look cute!!
  • Biography

    Snew is my fursona, however she has multiple "universes" that she exists in, depending on whether I use her for escapism or as a true representation for myself. Hope this makes sense :)

    Fantasy Setting
  • Medieval fantasy universe similar to Dungeons & Dragons, with my own spin. In this setting, her species would be the equivalent of catfolk.

  • Snew lives in a valley surrounded by protective mountains and fields of wild flowers. Her home is a quaint hobbit-style house built into a hill with a chimney that is visible ontop of the hill. Above the entrance door there is a stained glass window that shines an array of hues into the living space. The home is only a single living space, with an inviting hearth and cooking area on the back wall. Hanging from the ceiling are various dried herbs. There are two nooks carved into the left and right of the walls that are used as sleeping areas with a curtain covering the nook for privacy.

    She is known as a herbalist who makes her potions into delicious, hearty meals. Due to the isolated location of her home, she helps travelling adventurers, offering them a meal, tends to their wounds and a place to stay in exchange for supplies, trinkets and other useful objects. If an adventurer has nothing to offer, she will accept stories of their travels.

    When Snew is not in her cabin, she is a travelling painter, exploring new environments and gathering new herbs for her fields. Because of her peaceful lifestyle and the stories from the travelling adventures, she finds the outside world both fascinating yet intimidating. She never travels alone, she usually asks one of her adventuring friends to accompany her. Snew has little battle experience, when encountering a monster or fiend, she uses her supportive potion-making skills to aid her party.

    Modern Setting
    Similar to our current, modern reality, except humans are replaced by anthromorphic animals. :3 meow

    Basic Info
  • Born in 1999, lives in Australia
  • Works a part-time office job in the health industry, part-time artist
  • Lives with her fiancee and best friend since childhood

  • Enjoys
  • Camping
  • Tea & Biscuits
  • Experimenting in crafty hobbies
  • Reading comics / manga
  • Aquascaping, keeping multiple shrimp and fish tanks
  • check out my interest list page for a completed list of mine/Snew's interests :)

  • Relationships

    Fantasy Setting
    Bindle (Familiar)
    Bindle is a dragon familiar summoned as an extension of Snew, the two are soul-bounded and can communicate with eachother. Bindle forages herbs for Snew.


    Fantasy Setting


    jan 2019
    oct 2014
    apr 2014
    jul 2012


    Please check out her Gallery until I move it here


    Layout made by scumsuck