

  • Appearance/Reference
  • Biography
  • Relationships
  • Trivia
  • Gallery
  • Notes/Credit
  • Appearance

    Design Notes
  • Primarily white scales with an opalescent scheen.
  • The opalescent scheen is concentrated around the top of her head and spine. She has speckles of more opalescent scales around her cheeks, shoulders and thighs.
  • Her rainbow cloak is optional.

  • Biography

    Opal was raised as a single child into a poor, but happy immigrant dragon-born family. Her father was a sailor who worked at the docks, so she grew up familiar with water and the difficulties that come with travelling across the sea. As Opal grew older, she began to help her father with nominal jobs around the docks, and eventually onboard ships. At 13 years old, during a transportation job, a crew member had fallen overboard and Opal’s instincts took over, she used magic to control the water and lifted the fallen member back to the safety of the ship. Opal was ecstatic at the discovery that she had sorcerer powers, and the potential of her new discovery overtook her life. When she wasn’t working, she was honing her skills, focusing on controlling water and storms to ensure the safety of all who boarded a ship with her. As her power grew, her family grew ever prouder of her accomplishments, as did the gossip around the dock workers. The news of Opal’s skill began to spread. At 16, she was headhunted to work for the ships at Waterdeep, she was asked to use her magic to safely transport Nobles across various leisure and “business” voyages. Opal felt immense guilt to leave her family behind without the safety of her magic, but her family encouraged Opal to follow her path of success, their little gem in the rough was moving up in the world and they couldn’t be prouder.
    Working Years
    Opal enjoyed working in Waterdeep, initially. The petty politics and lucrative spending baffled her, and she missed the camaraderie of her home at the docks. She had no connection to this city or their people. Due to being a Dragon-born, she felt objectified and disrespected. Her unique appearance was treated like a novelty, sometimes advertised as a perk of travelling with a specific ship. Her beautiful, opalescent, gem-like scales were especially eye-catching for the luxurious ships. She was used as a decoration for the passengers to gawk at, required to wear impractical, revealing uniforms. Still, their lives were her responsibility and she fulfilled her role with the upmost care, despite the grief she felt in her heart. Years went by, and Opal became famous among voyagers and she became an official member of the Royal ship crew, transporting Royalty or priceless treasure when required. Opal had her newfound riches thanks to her storm sorcery skills, but with little use of the excess money, she would send money back home to her family, allowing them to retire. Her job had made her incredibly renowned at her craft of being a storm sorcerer, but Opal had grown lonely, bitter and distant. She found it difficult to trust her company due to the nefarious nature of the rich.
    Meeting Kite
    During a during a 3 month-long leisure voyage, she met the Dragon-born Bard Malachite aka “Kite”. He was commissioned to entertain the Nobles in-between destinations. Opal became enchanted by his music, and Kite became enchanted by her sorcerer powers (Maybe she rescued him from falling overboard, or kept the waters especially calm for him as he gets seasick?). The two became fast friends, and the missing piece in Opal’s heart began to mend. Kite re-taught her the joys of life like she knew during her childhood, breaking apart the hard outer shell she had developed due to her high-stakes career. When the leisure ship boarded foreign lands, the two would sneak off and explore the local taverns and towns together. Her time with Kite on this voyage taught her that she could be doing more than transporting treasure or creating a calm voyage for the leisure of the rich. Once the ship boarded back to the city, she asked Kite if she could join him on his travels. The two began to travel together and would find odd-jobs for those who couldn’t help themselves or didn’t have the funds to hire adventurers. All they asked for was shelter, a meal and ale. They earned their money through Kite’s music, as he told tales of their adventures and Opal’s powers. If they needed extra tips, Opal could easy add extra flare to Kite’s performances with her magic.


    Malachite (aka Kite)

    The two met on a 3-month long leisure voyage. They share a powerful bond with an us vs the world mentality.


    Random Tidbits
  • Opal was originally inspired by Baldur's Gate 3, but I only played it once or twice and ended up just thinking about Opal as a character instead lol.
  • Gallery

    Please check out her Toyhou.se


    Layout made by scumsuck

    Background by Adrian Drott