Bookbug Club

The overgrown forest trail leads you to a peculiar home constructed within a rock formation. The dappled warm greens of the tree canopy surround the home with an inviting atmosphere. You try to knock on the door, but your knocks creak it open further. You enter through the doorway and you are met by dusty yet homely hollow filled with shelves lined with books and curious knick-nacks scattered across the furniture. Amongst these knick-nacks, sitting on a thread spool, is a little mouse reading a tiny newspaper. She looks up from her reading spectacles with an inquisitive expression.
After a few twitches of her little nose, she eagerly hops off her makeshift stool and directs you to a pile of papers next to a typewriter. The keys of the typewriter are littered with tiny, inky paw prints. On the papers are her thoughts written in ink about a variety of books, categorized by months…
Clover is a quiet yet inquisitive little mouse who discovered an abandoned home of an avid reader. She became fascinated with these perculiar, man-made collections of ink and paper bound by leather. Her inquisitive nature motivated her to deconstruct these odd symbols until she eventually learnt to read. She made this abandoned woodland anomaly into her home and has become endeared to the stories that humans left behind. Each month she is brought a new book by the friendly bugs at the Bookbug club and in return she shares her thoughts by jumping from key-to-key on an old typewriter.
After a few twitches of her little nose, she eagerly hops off her makeshift stool and directs you to a pile of papers next to a typewriter. The keys of the typewriter are littered with tiny, inky paw prints. On the papers are her thoughts written in ink about a variety of books, categorized by months…
[who is this mouse?]

Clover is a quiet yet inquisitive little mouse who discovered an abandoned home of an avid reader. She became fascinated with these perculiar, man-made collections of ink and paper bound by leather. Her inquisitive nature motivated her to deconstruct these odd symbols until she eventually learnt to read. She made this abandoned woodland anomaly into her home and has become endeared to the stories that humans left behind. Each month she is brought a new book by the friendly bugs at the Bookbug club and in return she shares her thoughts by jumping from key-to-key on an old typewriter.

[April] Notes from the Underground
Webmaster's Review
I'm a bit unsure of this book as I don't like cynical people ... >_>
During Reading
Completed Reading

[March] The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin
"The Ekumen?" said Argaven, startled.
"No. Mankind."
"“A profound love between two people involves, after all, the power and chance of doing profound hurt.”
“It is a terrible thing, this kindess that human beings do not lose. Terrible, because when we are finally naked in the dark and cold, it is all we have. We who are so rich, so full of strength, we end up with that small change. We have nothing else to give"
Webmaster's Review
I've never been much of a fan of science fiction, and the extent of my reading experience doesn't go beyond much beyond warrior cats and young adult romance. Quite honestly science-fiction as a genre always felt a bit gate-keepy to me, something exclusively made to appeal to "nerdy men" where women are written as fantastical embelishment just like the spaceships and laser swords. I couldn't relate to the appeal of franchises like Star Wars or Star Trek. I guess it's no different to any genre, it just depends on the creator/s, but thats how science fiction makes me feel. But that's exactly why I joined Bookbug Club. I'm excited to try something new with the company of a book club!
During Reading
Chapter 0 to Chapter 9 (37%)
I have been greatly suprised by how much I like this book despite my aversion to science-fiction! The idea of life on other planets doesn’t really catch my interest as there are so many interesting facets of life on planet earth, but I really enjoy this book’s approach to science fiction. I like how it takes inspiration from humanity but places humans in a new world, with new adaptations and societal norms. It’s philosophical, and I greatly enjoy the setting. The way their society is shaped around their perpetual Ice Age I find really intriguing. They are more caeeful, slower with their technological upgrades, something our real society could learn a lot from. We have the privilege of having a climate that doesn’t require great sacrifices for our survival (…so far…). Many of us have luxuries that make us selfish and egotistical. I like how the author contrasts these themes with the human protagonist.
I greatly enjoy how the author introduces gender into this topic too. The humans on this alien planet are androgynous, both male and female depending on what is required during their sexual cycle, thus this alien society doesn’t see the inequality that women face in our reality, as either parent could be carrying the child. In the book, an investigator theorises that Gethen lacks war because they are without masculine aggression, these stereotypes do not exist, there is no expectation that people take on specific roles such as caretakers or protectors. I found this very interesting, while there are many factors that cause wars, I agree male aggression is a huge factor.
“the dominant factor in Gethenian life is not sex or any other human thing: it is their environment, their cold world”
Completed Reading
Final Thoughts
Unfortunately I got covid during this so I had to take a break from reading ;__; It's hard to share my thoughts after the break, but overall I did really enjoy the book. The somewhat dark (? dunno if thats the right word) tone of the book isn't necessarily my cup of tea, but it fit the tone of the story and I found the story very interesting.
Page Doll by Beatrix Potter
Background image by Colon Nolan